Green energy: delivering energy infrastructure to combat the climate emergency
With COP26 taking place later this year in Glasgow, sustainability issues are at the fore and the need to act on the climate emergency has never been greater. Acceleration of the delivery of energy infrastructure across a range of technologies throughout the UK is key.
Whilst there is broad cross-party and trans-boundary support at the national level, energy infrastructure projects often experience a challenging environment at planning application stage and need careful, skilled and experienced promotion.
We have an extensive track record in this area, working across the UK and Ireland advising on high-profile, complex and large scale energy infrastructure projects. With over a decade of experience in the sector, we work across the full range of technologies including onshore and offshore wind, solar, energy storage, energy from waste, hydrogen production and carbon capture and storage.
Our full service offer provides a distinctive proposition in the marketplace, with our Planning expertise complemented by related specialisms. We support energy infrastructure projects through all stages of the planning process including through: pre-planning site appraisals; monitoring of planning policy and preparation of representations at both national and local level; co-ordination and preparation of planning applications; LPA negotiation; and EIA and provision of specialist expertise such as LVIA and Heritage. We also offer expert witness support at appeal and, following the grant of planning permission are able to co-ordinate the discharge of planning conditions.
We are experienced in a range of consenting regimes including planning applications and development consent orders (DCO) for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP) in England, Regionally Significant proposals in Northern Ireland and Section 36 applications in Scotland. We have experience in promoting applications for Common Land Consent.
Our track record is supported by strong relationships with leading industry lawyers and environmental consultants. We are active participants in industry representative groups such as RenewableNI, and we also hold IEMA accreditation. We have been advising developers and landowners for over tenyears, with current and previous clients including:
- RES UK and Ireland
- ABO Wind
- SSE Renewables
- Peel NRE
- Octo Energy
- Forth Energy
- Vital Energi
- Energikontor UK
- Energia
- Tata Steel
- Hargreaves Services
- Scottish Power
Find out more below about our work in the sector and our latest insights into the industry. Don’t miss our ‘Year of Cop26 mini series’ as we consider the role of planning and development in the future of green energy.
Please contact a member of our team for more information.
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