Heritage, Townscape and Landscape
We promote and manage change to sustain and enhance the significance of our historic environment and quality of our townscapes and landscapes
Our specialist team has strength and depth. It combines academic and practical strengths, knowledge and experience with a track record of success in heritage, landscape, townscape and visual impact assessment.
We assess heritage significance and townscape character to promote change and create successful places.
Landscapes and views have unique characteristics, qualities and sensitivities which provide both opportunities and constraints to development. We provide specialist advice on landscape/townscape character and views and how these can shape the creation of successful developments.
We work both as part of the wider Turley offer and as an independent service.
Our products and services
Heritage research, advice and strategy
Insight to the nature of heritage assets affected by change to provide advice, inform proactive strategies and lead discussion.
Assessment of heritage significance and setting
Understanding and interpretation of heritage value within the framework of policy, guidance, best practice and experience.
Heritage statements and advocacy
Articulating the impact of change in bespoke documents and leading proactive engagement with statutory authorities.
Designation advice and representation
Designation risk assessment, rebuttal and representations to heritage-led policy.
ES Heritage chapters
Technical assessment of built heritage impacts for Environmental Impact Assessment.
Heritage appeals and inquiries
Expert advice and support for planning appeals and expert evidence at public inquiries.
Heritage Impact Assessments for World Heritage Sites
Supporting clients and project teams through the process of assessing the impact of development on the outstanding universal value (OUV) of World Heritage Sites in accordance with the 2022 UNESCO Guidance and Toolkit for Impact Assessments in a World Heritage Context.
Townscape assessments and TVIA
Appraisal and analysis of townscape character and robust assessments of potential impacts of development on townscape character and views.
Landscape research and analysis
Insight and advice on the qualities and value of landscapes to inform strategic and design decisions.
Landscape capacity and sensitivity studies
Technical assessments to inform strategic site selection and capacity calculations.
Opportunities and constraints mapping
Mapping of key site characteristics to aid the development of design principles particularly in landscape-led masterplans.
Landscape feasibility studies
Early site appraisals to provide guidance on development potential.
View analysis
Assessment of views and potential visual impacts arising from development.
ZTV and GIS mapping
Modelling of zones of theoretical visibility and viewsheds of development proposals to inform discussions with statutory authorities on potential effects.
Landscape strategies and visions
Illustrating potential landscape enhancement and mitigation measures to integrate new development in the landscape.
Landscape/townscape and visual impact assessment (LVIA/TVIA)
Robust technical assessments of potential landscape, townscape and visual effects arising from development proposals with guidance on potential mitigation measures. Prepared as ES chapters or standalone reports.
Expert witness at landscape appeals and inquiries
Expert advice and support for planning appeals and expert evidence at public inquiries.
Key contacts
Roger Mascall
Senior Director, Heritage, Townscape & Landscape