Client | The Acorn Consortium |
Turley office | Manchester |
Status | Development completed |
LPA | Liverpool City Council |
A new Alder Hey in the Park; the largest children’s hospital in Europe
Our role
- Part of the design team for the winning Acorn Consortium (comprising John Laing, Laing O’Rourke and Interserve) to deliver a new replacement hospital at Alder Hey.
- The provision of due diligence during the competitive tender process and the preparation of planning deliverables in support of the bid.
- Preparation of reserved matters applicationof the new hospital listed building consent for works in Springfield Park and co-ordination of Environmental Statement update.
- We provided expert advice on Planning, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and Heritage & Townscape matters.
- Alder Hey is Europe’s biggest and busiest children’s hospital.
- The hospital provides 275,000 episodes of care to children and young people every year.
- A centre of excellence in the treatment of childhood cancer, heart, spinal and brain disease.
- A ‘hospital in the park’ with play areas on every ward, extensive gardens and spiritual areas.
- The new hospital opened in 2015.
Image courtesy of David Barbour