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Client Essential Living
Turley office London
Status Planning permission granted
LPA London Borough of Camden

Impact of tall building on heritage assets in London concluded as acceptable

Our role

  • Following a public inquiry, the Secretary of State agreed with his Planning Inspector’s recommendation and granted planning permission for the redevelopment of 100 Avenue Road, a 24 storey building providing purpose-built housing for renting and affordable housing.
  • Provided expert heritage evidence covering relative impact of the proposals on the setting and significance of adjacent and nearby heritage assets, including listed buildings and conservation areas.
  • Included an assessment of the impact of the tall building in views to and from the various conservation areas.


  • Agreement that any harm was limited to the impact on one view from one conservation area and that there would be no harmful impact to adjacent listed buildings.
  • Secretary of State concluded that the public benefits of the proposals outweighed the limited harm to heritage assets.
  • Underpinning the evidence was our robust understanding of the heritage significance of the assets, including the relative role that the setting and appeal of the site played, together with the correct legislative context for consideration of these matters.
  • Scheme will be residential-led, mixed-use including purpose built housing for rent, affordable housing, complementary town centre uses, potential area for a new London Underground station, public realm improvements, and a community facility.


Project sheet

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