Local Development Plans in Northern Ireland: Progress update Q1 2024
As we conclude the first quarter of 2024, we look back on the progress made on the Local Development Plans (LDP) across the various councils in Northern Ireland.
Four of the 11 councils adopted their draft Plan Strategy (dPS) in 2023 and are now turning their focus towards the preparation of the Local Policies Plan (LPP). The LPP will set out development zonings with associated key site requirements, other site-specific proposals and local policy designations required to deliver the plan vision, strategic objectives and spatial growth strategy outlined in the relevant plan strategy.
Adopted plans
Belfast City Council (BCC) have shown the most progress in advancing their LDP since the adoption of their draft plan strategy in May 2023. The council launched a ‘Call for Sites' exercise in late 2023, which ended on 1 March 2024. This exercise allowed individuals, landowners and developers to put forward sites within the council area for consideration as part of the LPP. The council will undertake a high-level assessment on the suitability of the submissions to take forward into the draft LPP stage.
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council (FODC) are currently rolling out a series of public drop-in information sessions in various locations across the council area, ahead of their formal Call for Sites exercise. FODC are anticipating launching a Call for Sites for housing and industrial sites on 15 April 2024.
Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council (LCCC) are advancing preparatory work on their LPP and they are hoping to publish a revised timetable following their full council meeting in March 2024. This updated timetable will provide clarity on next steps in the preparation of their LPP.
Mid and East Antrim (MEA), having adopted their plan strategy in October 2023, have now shifted their focus towards the development of their LPP. The 2022 version of the council’s LDP timetable anticipates that work towards the draft LPP release will be conducted throughout 2024/25.
We would expect to see further activity in the LPP process across these four councils and anticipate the publication of at least one draft LPP before the end of 2024.
Draft Plan Strategy adoption
The adoption of the dPS for Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council (ANBC) has experienced considerable delays, with the council still awaiting direction from the Department for Infrastructure (DfI). Recent correspondence from ANBC’s March planning committee has confirmed the next steps in the LDP process. The planning committee resolved at their March 2024 meeting to write to the DfI Minister to request a meeting to discuss the delays in the process.
Independent Examinations (IE)
Derry City and Strabane District Council (DCSDC) completed their IE sessions on 4 October 2023. The commissioner is currently preparing the report and will issue to DfI regarding the soundness of the plan. We would anticipate that a report will issue to DfI in Q2. DfI will then consider the report and will either direct the council that the plan can be adopted, needs further revisions, or needs to be redrafted.
Mid Ulster District Council (MUDC) submitted their dPS in May 2021 and are still awaiting a decision from DfI to initiate an IE.
We are aware there are some constraints within the Planning Appeals Commission (PAC) that may have a knock-on impact on the timetabling of future IE’s.
Draft Plan Strategy preparation
Following consultation on the dPS, councils submit the plan to DfI who will then determine if it can be issued to the PAC to commence the IE process. As part of the IE process, the PAC hold dedicated sessions to discuss topic areas based on their review of points raised in written submissions to the draft plan strategy.
It remains from our last update that four councils have yet to release a plan strategy outlining future development within their respective areas. Table 1 summarises the status of those councils and our revised estimates for publication of a draft Plan Strategy. It is our view that it could be over nine years before these councils seek to publish the first critical document of the plan-led system.

We anticipate seeing the adoption of the ANBC plan strategy in Q3 2024, however it is unlikely that there will be any progress from the councils that have not yet advanced their plans, until the latter part of 2024, at the earliest. Table 1 identifies further delays in CCG and NMD, anticipating publication of dPS in 2025/2026.
Should you have any queries about or interests in any of the above-mentioned council areas, or any of the plans in Northern Ireland, please get in touch with Angela Wiggam, Philip Stinson or Conor Campbell.
8 April 2024