Roger Mascall
Senior Director, Heritage, Townscape & Landscape
What are you looking for?
Westgate Oxford is the new retail and leisure destination attracting world-class retailers and leisure facilities to the world-renowned and historic city of Oxford.
The new £440m Westgate Oxford shopping centre opened in October 2017. The opening followed outline planning consent in October 2014 and reserved matters consent in December 2014.
Turley co-ordinated the complete planning process from strategy and pre-application discussions to approval of the outline planning application and subsequent reserved matters, as well as providing heritage and townscape and visual impact assessment advice.
The scheme was carefully designed to respond to the potential for impacts on key city views and nearby designated and non-designated heritage assets. The shopping centre is set in a mix of covered streets, arcades, lanes and squares.
Building trust between developer and local authority and forging links with local interest groups, was at the heart of the approach to the Westgate Oxford scheme. Creating consensus and genuinely shared objectives enabled an unconventional approach to be developed which satisfied the objectives of both client and Oxford City Council and other key stakeholders including Oxfordshire County Council.
19 April 2018
Senior Director, Heritage, Townscape & Landscape